Hyaluronic acid injection for lips
Hyaluronic acid to beautify the lips
Lips & hyaluronic acid
We perform hyaluronic acid injections on the lips very frequently.
THEhyaluronic acid at the level of the lips allows eitherbeautify the lip, orhydrate or even to bring volume to balance the profile. In this context, Dr Smarrito performs injections in consultation, either isolated or in addition to a surgical procedure. Thus, very often after a rhinoplasty, it is possible to perform a lip injection. Rhinoplasty can also be replaced by an injection of hyaluronic acid associated with the injection of the lips and thus achieve a real medical rhinoplasty. The whole then forming a profiloplasty.
Why use hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is naturally occurring in the body. This now synthesized molecule has been injected millions of times. Very few side effects have been described. This product is absorbable but not rejected by the body. On the other hand, after a certain time, the injection must be repeated because the hyaluronidase enzyme naturally contained in the body will reabsorb it.
Hyaluronic acid is the reference product in Europe for facial injections.
Depending on the desired goal, the density,elasticity and viscosity of the chosen hyaluronic acid will allow you to obtain the result. Thus, to hydrate a lip, a very fluid product such as skinbooster will be used while to generate luscious volume of the lips, a denser, more reticulated product will be necessary.
There are many brands and products on the market dedicated exclusively to the lip such as restylane, Juvéderm or the Lip Styling developed by the laboratory Vivacity.
Dr Smarrito, who is a recognized expert on the subject, will be able to advise you on the best molecule. Dr. Smarrito gives numerous surgical and injection demonstrations around the world, particularly on the subject of lips and medical rhinoplasty.
How does the hyaluronic acid injection for the lips work?
Thanks to the application of an anesthetic ointment, the injection is carried out without pain. The injection is performed during office consultations. It generally lasts around twenty minutes. All necessary comfort is ensured during the session. It should be noted that after the session, a slight edema will set in, it will last 24 to 48 hours. There is thus an overcorrection effect at the start of the injection.
How long does the lip injection work?
The duration of effect is 4 months to 1 year depending on the patient. A patient who smokes will not be able to hold the product for as long; the duration of the product is also dependent on the action of the enzyme contained in the body which naturally resorbs hyaluronic acid. We have a program in place to stabilize results at a lower cost over a year.
What results can you expect for your lips?
As you can see from the demo videos, we focus more on respect harmony at the level of the lip. The upper lip should be slightly lower than the lower lip. A luscious character is given but a precision of the contour of the lip is also achieved.
The gesture is precise and carried out in order to perfect the result. It is also suitable in these injection areas including for profiloplasty where the injection is carried out at the level of the nose, perfectly know the anatomy to avoid vascular risks. In this context, it is advisable to trust an experienced injector to plump up the lip, nose or dark circles. We can perfectly choose the final result together. We ask our patients to bring photos showing the desired lip style. We can thus adapt the procedure and the quantity of product to the patient's wishes.
On the other hand, we refuse overdone, unsightly corrections which are very popular in certain Anglo-Saxon countries and which signify an excessive gesture which has nothing aesthetic in our opinion. Sexy lips yes, embellished yes but certainly not monstrous.