Microneedling, a very accessible solution to stimulate collagen.

Microneedling: easy, painless & effective…

 Microneedling helps strengthen the firmness of the skin.

Microneedling is a technique practiced at the RivieraClinic. This method allows stimulation of collagen by micro-puncture.

            A few years ago an astonishing technique appeared: the microneedling technique. This technique, easily implemented, has demonstrated its effectiveness at the tissue level. Often integrated into a more elaborate treatment, microneedling allows, thanks to a roller containing microscopic microneedles, to carry out micro bites at the skin level. These micro bites will stimulate the formation of type 2 collagen, but also strengthen the elastin of the dermis.

     Whatever the age: it's a boost of radiance, more elastin, more collagen thanks to the stimulation provided by the passage of this roller. 

This collagen is very important in the skin structure and helps strengthen the quality of the skin. This mechanical stimulation has been clinically proven by tissue analyses.

        In our center, we often combine the microneedling technique with another treatment and, according to the current trend, it is possible for us to combine several treatments to increase efficiency. Furthermore, microneedling allows you to create slight orifices in the skin. Thus, it allows the absorption of products placed on the surface, such as liquid hyaluronic acid, nutrients or vitamins. We use, for example, a serum associated with microneedling in order to rehydrate the skin.

microneedling facial treatment

A procedure integrated into our tailor-made care…

      As a result, the quality of the skin is stimulated but also nourished by the associated serum.

The ideal is generally to carry out this treatment in the form of a cure in order to obtain an optimal result, with 3 sessions three weeks apart, then two maintenance sessions.

In our RIVIERAclinic laser center Lausanne, we will analyze the skin, before carrying out microneedling. Thus, a complete study of the quality of your skin, both thanks to the experience of our team of beauticians, and with modern tools such as Visia scanners will be carried out.

The microperforations stimulate skin healing and strengthen the skin's natural elastin and collagen.

Progress of a micorneedling session:

     Before you settle in, the beautician cleans the skin (it is preferable to come without makeup). A CT scan may then be indicated. The beautician performs the treatment gently, moving the roller back and forth, until a slight redness appears. Note that the treatment takes place for 10 – 15 minutes. The application of a treatment firmness or a serum is then offered.

Who is this microneedling treatment for?

This treatment is aimed at different skin types, whatever the condition or quality of your skin:

– loose skin

– lack of firmness

- Dull complexion

– traces of acne.

Choose from combine this treatment of microneedling. At the RIVIERAclinic we have developed tailor-made expert care according to your needs, study by the trained eye of our beauticians and computer analysis.

Our treatments are not “beauty rituals” but sequences combining know-how and the best of currently available technologies.

In the service of skin renewal…

The expert's opinion

Le microneedling has been studied and published at many times. The stimulation of collagen and elastin is scientifically proven.

The sensation is not painful, just unpleasant. This will be reduced by the application of fresh serum.

In case of redness, the use of LEDs reduces it instantly.

I recommend carrying out a complete treatment: The expert treatment RIVIERAclinic.

A scientific approach to the face

A scientific approach to facial diagnosis in aesthetic medicine Scientific assessment of your skin: spots, redness, bacteria, firmness.

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