BEAUTIFUL the skin

A perfect complexion thanks to aesthetic medicine


Say stop to brown spots and redness.

Removal of spots and restoration of complexion by PICOSURE laser

Today, 3 procedures allow you to improve skin tone: laser, peels, microdermabrasion.

Dr. Smarrito shares his experience with you to choose the best procedure. These 3 procedures, peels, laser, microdermabrasion are in high demand in aesthetic medicine given their excellent result. From a theoretical point of view, the effects are similar as are the objectives and results obtained. In fact, it involves “stripping” the skin superficially, but also slightly deeper depending on the laser or peeling used or microdermabrasion.

            Above all, as always in aesthetic medicine, what is important is the diagnosis based on the clinician’s experience.

We will identify spots using a computer analysis of your face available in our RIVIERAclinic centers. Sun spots are often numerous and rather light.

Explanatory video from Dr SMARRITO on this subject of cosmetic surgery

Skin tone: Lasers to restore skin tone…

       The demand to have an even complexion and to get rid of aesthetic spots has been revolutionized in our practice and our experience through the use of Picosure laser. Indeed, the laser, by scanning the skin, will help get rid of age spots, whether on the forehead, neckline or hands, but also harmonize the complexion.

This laser was originally a laser for tattoo removal, the new generations of lasers have the advantage of having very precise targeting on the spots, of delivering high energy while having a photomechanical effect rather than photo-thermal, in In this sense, the heat around the impact of the laser is low and therefore the risks on the skin (change of color, hyperpigmentation, or even burns are excluded).

This treatment is generally done on an outpatient basis in office care without social exclusion. We often combine this treatment with a supplement per LED session which stimulates the energetic activity of the skin at the cellular level or even an expert treatment to nourish the skin.

In one to three sessions, the effect is often very demonstrative on all the spots. This is also why picosecond lasers are the best-selling lasers in Asia. We can attest to this following our conferences, particularly in South Korea. Our patients want to have a clear or even very clear complexion without blemishes and skin whose luminosity is preserved.

Skin complexion: Expert treatments from RIVIERAclinic

    Microdermabrasion has been around for many years. It should not be confused with dermabrasion which is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia. this other technique removes the superficial layers very aggressively in the operating room.

   We are talking about microdermabrasion which is mechanized, we have been using for many years a specific device at the RIVIERAclinic laser center, this mechanically allows us to purify the skin, to remove the superficial layer which is at the end of the skin cycle, the dead cells on the surface are eliminated, it also blurs fine lines and can affect the radiance of the skin.

    This treatment is part of the expert care developed by the RIVIERAclinic, it will thus be combined with other treatments in particular to hydrate and plump the surface layer of the skin, whether Filorga's NCTF serums containing hyaluronic acid and nutrients as well as amino acids or skin boosters which allow to attract water to the skin thanks to a very weak and non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid.

It is therefore possible at present to get rid of unsightly stains andharmonize the complexion in a few sessions mainly thanks to the technological revolution represented by picosecond lasers.

Skin complexion: Peels, in moderation…

Peels (note certain peels specifically used in this application) allow depigmentation of the skin.

It is then possible to obtain good results but on the sole condition that the pigment spots are not very colored and not very diffuse. Generally, peels are either composed of Phenol or glycolic acid, also called fruit acid. Peels are generally carried out on a large area such as the face, protecting the eyes or the neckline. This procedure does not require anesthesia and is carried out in the office.

Acid applied to the skin causes chemical reaction, during the session a tingling sensation is usually felt by the patient and after a few minutes of application. The doctor or assistant neutralizes the effect of the peel by applying another product. There is intense redness then over time, it develops towards a rather white appearance and it is imperative to use restorative creams for 1 week combined with sun protection.

      The consequences will be characterized by what we call desquamation, that is to say that we lose the superficial layers of the skin in the form of chips, which is more or less important depending on the depth of the peeling. . Following this session, the skin becomes dewy and the complexion can be harmonized, thus brown sun spots are faded as well as fine lines.

       In some ways, the skin benefits from the radiance of magazines. This is an interesting step in the treatment of facial aesthetic rejuvenation. In our experience, we limit the use of peels. Indeed, our philosophy is more to have a targeted action on spots and differences in complexion thanks to the new generation of so-called picosecond laser and associated with rehydration (in a way nourishing the skin rather than attacking it).

You will have understood, we carry out few peels but many laser treatments.

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