Breast Reduction I Breast hypertrophy
Breast reduction is a real liberation...
Breast reduction, what are we talking about?
The operation of mammary reduction helps reduce breast size. It also helps restore a more harmonious shape of the chest. In addition, during this intervention, the areola is raised and put back into good position.
THEbreast enlargement leading to breast reduction is often motivated mainly by significant psychological suffering. Indeed, excess breast volume leads the young girl to hide her chest but if thepsychological aspect predominates, the functional side should not be underestimated, such as discomfort when practicing certain sports.
Breast reduction, who is this surgery for?
Surgery can be performed on any patient with excess breasts in proportion to their body. Below 300 grams, we are talking more about a ptosis cure, beyond this weight, it is more a case of breast reduction. It should be noted that for insurance purposes, half a kilo per breast must be removed to be able to talk about breast reduction.
“Patients often talk to me about a rebirth. After the healing phase, scars are ultimately rarely at the heart of discussions. » Dr. SMARRITO
Often, patients also have back pain, a hunched posture adapted to the weight of the chest. Sometimes in cases of gigantomastia (E-F-G cup), wearing a bra can be difficult and lead to streaks in the skin.
How the intervention takes place.
The breast reduction procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. It is rather one of the long cosmetic surgery procedures since in principle it takes 2 to 3 hours to carry out this procedure. In a 1er time, in a standing position, the surgeon will identify the appropriate position of the nipple and areola.
Furthermore, so-called marine ink designs are drawn in order to reduce the volume inside the breast but also to bend the shape, particularly in the lower part. Dr Smarrito no longer uses redons in this surgery, a simple drainage is carried out.
Breast reduction: What are the surgical consequences?
As part of breast reduction, regular consultations with the surgeon must be planned, in fact, dressings can be used to evacuate the lymph or adjust the scar. Generally, the consequences are not painful. On the other hand, scabs or loose spots may appear at the junction of the scars requiring a simple dressing every week by the surgeon.
In this context, it is particularly recommended that patients stop smoking which is a source of suffering from scars. In some cases also, oozing may be present in the gland resection area and will give an oily type discharge. In most cases, everything is back to normal within 15 days to 3 weeks.
How to proceed for the intervention?
Simply make an appointment with Dr. Smarrito who will explain the procedure to you in consultation. Furthermore, it is often possible to show the final appearance of the reduction in front of a mirror.
It must be understood that the reduction is, however, obtained at the cost of scars which will be made as thin as possible but still have a random appearance.
Price and cost of breast surgery…
Unfortunately, in Switzerland, this operation is in most cases considered cosmetic. Criteria exist but the proof of these criteria and the process to be carried out is often very complicated for a patient with a view to reimbursement. For example, it is necessary to be able to certify from a radiological point of view, from a consultation point of view with the osteopath, that you have back pain due to breast overload.
Furthermore, the resected weight also counts in this strategy and a minimum of half a kilo is generally requested by insurance companies. Patients must be reminded that the right weight must be removed and not excessively, which would result in a disproportionate cup in the opposite direction in terms of the silhouette and which could be shocking for both the patient and the patient. visual harmony of the body.
In the end, what is the cost of the intervention, in the absence of insurance coverage? If insurance coverage is possible (important case) only the rest is payable, that is to say a few percent of the price will be paid by the patient. Apart from this case, consultations and the operation are chargeable for aesthetic purposes and the budget depending on the clinic can range from 10 to 000chf.