Dr SMARRITO I cosmetic surgeon FMH

I answer your questions about breast surgery

A world of excellence in cosmetic surgery

    Discover our technical expertise and creativity dedicated to breast augmentation surgery in Switzerland.

   On this page you will find useful information on possible breast surgeries. We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of your breast augmentation operation to have a beautiful chest and beautiful breasts.

Have a beautiful chest and beautiful breasts thanks to cosmetic surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery to achieve beautiful breasts. Because it is a very common procedure, many people wonder if they should get breast implants. The natural desire for beauty and to please makes women whose breasts do not conform to their own aesthetic ideal uncomfortable. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery technique designed to improve the volume and shape of the female breast, which will help you feel better about yourself. Normally, women who feel dissatisfied because their breasts have not reached the size they expected will undergo this procedure. Breast augmentation is also recommended for patients who want to equalize both breasts because they are larger than the other, or who want to restore the natural volume of their breasts reduced by pregnancy, weight loss or age. This type of surgery provides specific solutions to each case.

Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that increases the volume of the breasts. It can be done using implants or lipofilling, which involves injecting fat from another part of the body into the breasts. Breast augmentation is considered safe and effective, but it should only be performed by a qualified professional with experience in this field. The procedure consists of making a small incision in the areola or, in very exceptional cases, in the fold under the chest or in the armpit groove. Generally, the first route is used because it allows a good approach and the scar is perfectly concealed. For breast augmentation surgery, it is advisable to use general anesthesia. The patient will remain asleep throughout the operation, which allows for better muscle relaxation and therefore facilitates the work of the cosmetic surgeon. Following the operation, you may notice a temporary loss of sensitivity in the area which will gradually and gradually recover completely.

 Breast augmentation and psychology are much closer than you think. This is a protocol that goes well beyond cosmetic surgery. It represents a dream, an aspiration, in some cases, a necessity of the woman who feels that she wants a body closer to her way of being.

Many patients come to see me with questions and doubts about both the operation and its result. My role is not only to answer their questions, but also to support them in their life journey. As an ethical surgeon, my mission is precisely to help the natural beauty of each woman to liberate and express itself in the most natural and respectful way possible.

When a patient chooses to go to a surgeon, she is motivated by deep reasons concerning her identity. This is particularly the case after the healing of a tumor or after an accident or trauma. The feeling of anxiety and waiting is linked to the phases immediately preceding the operation. The woman wonders what the end result will be, with a mixture of fear and hope. Next comes the fear of pain and anesthesia, which can be overcome thanks to the surgeon's complete transparency. Explaining how the breast augmentation will take place in all its details can be very reassuring for the patient. Finally, there is the fear of no longer recognizing oneself in one's own image. Breast augmentation changes the outward appearance to a better shape and it often takes a few weeks to get used to the new breast. The patient's psychology is faced with a delicate moment, during which we leave behind a body image that creates discomfort and we learn to love a new form of self.

 There are several reasons why a woman should undergo breast augmentation surgery. First of all, it is wrong to consider this desire to change an element of one's body as a futile whim. Behind such a request there is always a psychological need linked to the desire to feel good about oneself, to the desire to look in the mirror without contempt or embarrassment, feelings which often spill over into interpersonal relationships. From my experience, I can say that most patients who decide to undergo breast augmentation surgery gain confidence almost immediately. They recognize a strengthening of their self-esteem and are motivated to take better care of their health and their body.

The role of the plastic surgeon

The plastic surgeon plays a very important role in identifying the problem and solving it.

The objective must always be to try to free the patient from her discomfort by listening to her desire and guiding her towards a realistic, natural result consistent with the entire geometry of the body. All this, working on the most appropriate shape and volume to restore the desired harmony.

Another equally important task is to effectively recognize whether the patient in question needs surgery. Unfortunately, among the women who are looking for a specialist to turn to, there are also fragile women who want to change their appearance to satisfy the tastes of a partner or because they are pushed by others. Rather, it should be a purely personal decision to be made only for oneself. It is no less important to understand when the patient suffers from body dysmorphic disorder, that is, not being able to understand whether the part in question is actually unsightly or completely normal.

 I am convinced that cosmetic surgery must highlight the charm and natural beauty of each woman, through respect for the body and its proportions. This is why I reject excesses, especially in the case of breast augmentation, where the breast and the perception of a woman's femininity change. Breast augmentation and psychology are very important, as is the choice of surgeon who guides the patient towards her new idea of ​​beauty.

Lipofilling for breast augmentation

Breast lipofilling is a minimally invasive technique that can be used to increase breast size. This is a safe, effective and natural way to increase breast size. The procedure does not require general anesthesia, but can be performed under local anesthesia if the patient wishes.

Lipofilling involves injecting fat into the breasts through small incisions located on either side of each nipple (lateral perforator incision). This technique uses your own body fat as filler material in place of silicone gel implants or saline injections into the chest wall or armpits (subpectoral).

Breast lift

Breast lift is a surgical procedure that can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures. The most common form of breast lift involves removing excess skin from the upper part of the breasts and repositioning the nipple to give them a more youthful appearance. In some cases, you may need implants to replace volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy.

Breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia, but it can also be performed under local anesthesia if the cosmetic surgery involves only one side at a time (unilateral mastopexy).

Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery is a good way to have beautiful breasts.

Breast reduction surgery is a good way to have a better figure.

Breast reduction surgery is a good way to reduce back pain.

Cosmetic surgery is a good way to have beautiful breasts.

Takeaway: Cosmetic surgery is a good way to have beautiful breasts.

Cosmetic surgery is a good way to have beautiful breasts. There are many different procedures, but they all involve increasing the volume of the breasts or changing their shape. The most common procedure is breast augmentation with implants, closely followed by lipofilling and breast lift (mastopexy). Breast reduction operations are less common, but they are regularly performed on women whose excess breast tissue causes back pain or other health problems

Having beautiful breasts is the dream of many women. But the reality is that not all women have perfect breasts, some may be small and saggy, others have large sagging breasts that make them feel uncomfortable when wearing clothes or swimsuits . For these women, there are several solutions to improve their appearance and boost their self-confidence!

The message from Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

   This procedure is a common cosmetic surgery among women in Switzerland today. In particular, those who are not satisfied with the beauty of their chest or breasts. If this is your case, we invite you to find out more about how it works by contacting us today!

    This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito to find out if breast augmentation is a good solution to resolve your breast asymmetry problem. If you are considering a breast augmentation in Lausanne, it is important that you understand its philosophy, the technique and the risks associated with this procedure. Breast surgery can improve your short-term well-being and beautify your life.

    During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your wish to improve the beauty of your chest. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Article written by the Doctor Smarrito cosmetic surgeon

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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