Dr SMARRITO I cosmetic surgeon FMH

I answer your questions about solutions for breast reconstruction


A world of excellence in cosmetic surgery

    Discover our technical expertise and creativity dedicated to breast augmentation surgery in Switzerland and all the solutions for breast reconstruction.

   On this page you will find useful information on breast reconstruction surgery.. We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of your breast augmentation operation, ensuring that any pain will be perfectly taken care of.

Breast augmentation surgery raises a lot of questions for my patients. My patients, already Mom, want to know everything about the aftermath and how the convalescence. My patients without children want to know how the return to sport and activities once the implants have been placed. There are common questions related to the safety of the operation and choice of implant size and issues related to implant quality. Getting your breasts done is a legitimate, very personal wish. In consultation I create a discussion space which will allow you to calmly express to me your wishes and the result you plan to obtain.

Doctor Stéphane Smarrito

Cosmetic surgeon FMH

Solutions for rebuilding your breasts?

 Breasts are the symbol of femininity on a global and general level and getting your chest done is often a new life. Sometimes, when they are too small, some women can find themselves self-conscious or even psychologically embarrassed. Whether it is due to weight loss, pregnancy or a hormonal change, a solution can be considered: Get a breast lift!

Rebuild your chest consists of surgically increasing the volume of the chest. It can possibly correct slight breast ptosis (sagging) occurring after pregnancy or weight loss. This intervention thus makes it possible to harmonize the patient's silhouette, while allowing her to regain self-confidence. Obviously, first of all, a serious diagnosis must be made and the patient's real motivations must be identified.

It is very important to me that you can have all the answers to your questions before considering getting your breasts done. I will give you the necessary time for consultation. Doctor Stéphane Smarrito

THEmammal augmentation is a very common operation among women. Several techniques exist and will be offered to you depending on the desired volume, your skin type and your physiognomy.

To redo your chest, to redo your breasts?

Getting your breasts done is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures, whether through implants or fat injections. A beautiful and harmonious breast is, for most women, a symbol of femininity and the start of a new life. Rebuild your chest allows breast augmentation using silicone implants. The chest, once increased, must be in harmony with the body and, above all, must be natural. This surgery can be combined with a breast lift.


Consultation is an essential element for the success of breast augmentation surgery with breast augmentation surgery. The surgeon has the “duty” to listen to what the patient for a mammal augmentation wants and at the same time he has the “duty” to show whether it is feasible or not. During the medical consultation, there are essential points to decide and evaluate whether with the implant or with autologous fat injection:

  1. the place to insert the implant or prosthesis (areola or inframammary fold).
  2. where to place the prosthesis (subglandular or retro-muscular technique)
  3. which prosthesis to use and their size (round or anatomical/drip prosthesis)

The answers to these questions are linked to the anatomical characteristics of the patient herself. The patient will also be informed of the most frequent complications related to the operation.

Breast implants a new life for your breast with implant.

The operation lasts 1 to 2 hours, it can be carried out under deep sedation or general anesthesia, in a day hospital or with an overnight stay in hospital. Drains will be used if necessary.


In young patients, a simple ultrasound is necessary, while those over forty must have a mammogram. In addition to this, there are blood tests, an electrocardiogram and a chest x-ray. Once all prescribed tests have been carried out, the patient meets with the anesthesiologist who assesses her suitability for the operation. It is not recommended, for at least fifteen days before the procedure, to take medications containing acetyl-salicylic acid (aspirin), as well as anti-inflammatories.

Psychological benefits of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves increasing the size of a woman's breasts. Although this procedure is often considered a cosmetic solution, it can also have significant psychological benefits for women who undergo it.

First of all, breast augmentation can improve a woman's self-esteem and self-confidence. Women who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts may feel insecure or ashamed, which can affect their self-confidence in all social situations. By having breast augmentation, these women can feel more confident and more satisfied with their physical appearance.

Additionally, breast augmentation can help women overcome psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. Women who have asymmetrical or very small breasts may feel uncomfortable in their own bodies and have difficulty relating to others. By changing the appearance of their breasts, these women may feel more comfortable in their own skin and more likely to participate in social activities.

Finally, breast augmentation can have a positive impact on a woman’s sex life. Women who are satisfied with their physical appearance tend to be more confident in their sex lives, which can improve their relationship with their partner and their overall quality of life.

In conclusion, although breast augmentation is often considered a cosmetic procedure, it can have significant psychological benefits for women who undergo it. By improving self-esteem, helping to overcome psychological problems and improving sex life, breast augmentation can be a valuable option for women looking to improve their quality of life.


As soon as she leaves the operating room, the patient wears a support bra which she will have to wear for a few weeks depending on the case. After 4 days after the operation, the first dressing is applied and the stitches are removed approximately 14 days later. From this point on, it is possible to use special creams or silicone patches for better wound healing.

The pose ofimplants is one of cosmetic surgeries the most widespread. However, this operation can also be done as part of reconstructive surgery, in the event of hypoplasia (insufficient volume of the breasts) following an illness or even an accident.

The pose ofbreast implants aims to increase the volume of the chest using implants. These implants are chosen by the surgeon, depending on the volume desired by the patient, while maintaining a natural effect. Today there are two types of implants:

  • The anatomical breast prostheses which reproduce the natural shape of the breasts. They are particularly suitable for breast reconstruction, but also for thin patients with few mammary glands.
  • The round prostheses which allow patients to have a more pronounced neckline and a “rounded” appearance on the upper part of the chest.

During this procedure, Doctor Stéphane Smarrito can insert the implants in two different ways. Either he inserts them behind the mammary gland and in front of the pectoral muscles, or he positions them behind the pectoral muscles. The incisions should be discreet and barely visible. They are therefore carried out on different areas such as the natural fold of the armpit, in the inframammary fold or even in the areolar area.

The swelling and bruising will resolve after a few days and large movements of the arm may cause discomfort. Breast tension may be felt in some patients and can last up to 48 hours. A convalescence period of 5 days is expected and any intense physical activity is prohibited for approximately 1 month.

The post-operative period following breast augmentation can be stressful, especially if you have questions or concerns about your healing and recovery.

Here we will cover the three most common discussion topics:
• pain management,
• precautions to take during convalescence
• when you should consider returning to work after surgery.
The postoperative period for breast augmentation can be a difficult process, but by taking care of yourself and your new breasts and making follow-up appointments with your surgeon, healing will go smoothly. We have collected the best tips and tricks for post-operative breast augmentation.

What about pain management in the postoperative period of breast augmentation?

It is important that you understand the pain management options available to you during the post-operative period. Pain relievers can help reduce your discomfort and allow you to sleep, but they should not be used for more than a few days.

What precautions should be taken during the postoperative period of breast augmentation?
• No carrying heavy loads.
Breasts are delicate and can be easily damaged during the post-operative period. It is important to refrain from any activities that require heavy lifting or carrying items heavier than a grocery bag, such as laundry baskets filled with clothes or groceries.
• No strenuous physical exercise for at least 6 weeks after the operation.
Walking is encouraged, but running and other high-impact sports should be avoided until Doctor Stéphane Smarrito clears you to resume these activities, as they can cause bruising or bleeding under the skin of your body. breasts, which could lead to infection (cellulitis). If your surgeon has asked you not to engage in any type of physical activity, follow his instructions to the letter! This will help you recover from the operation without later complications such as the formation of capsular contracture which could lead to scarring over time, making further corrective procedures necessary if not treated properly now before It's too late in life, when there is no going back...
During the postoperative period of breast augmentation, when should I consider returning to work?
It is recommended to return to work 3 to 5 days after the operation. Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, and exposure to the sun for at least two weeks. Alcohol consumption should also be avoided during this period. Smoking is prohibited throughout the recovery process as it increases the risk of infection and slows down healing time by reducing blood circulation in the body.
The postoperative period of breast augmentation is important for the final result of the procedure. Postoperative swelling, fatigue from anesthesia, and discomfort from stitches all contribute to this period.
Your plastic surgeon or nurse will give you instructions on care to be given after your surgery.
If you have any questions about postoperative care, please call your doctor's office.
You will receive specific instructions on how to care for yourself after the operation. You must follow these instructions exactly to avoid infection and maximize recovery time. When it is safe to do so, return to normal activity such as work or exercise, as well as driving.

The postoperative period of breast augmentation can be divided into three phases. The first phase extends from the time of surgery until the breasts have healed and are fully swollen. During this phase, patients are asked to wear a compression bra that supports them and helps prevent additional scar tissue from forming.
Remember: your plastic surgeon or nurse will give you instructions on how to take care of yourself after surgery.

What is breast lipofilling?

Compared to themammal augmentation, lipofilling or breast augmentation by injection of autologous fat aims to inject the patient's own fat to increase the volume of the breasts. This technique allows improvement and remodeling of the chest without risk of rejection.

Lipofilling is used for cases of breast reconstruction, after a mastectomy. It can also be used in cases of cosmetic breast augmentation surgery in women without risk of breast cancer and under 35 years of age. This procedure is indicated for patients seeking moderate breast augmentation (one or two cups more) or breast remodeling.

During this procedure, the surgeon will remove the fat through Liposuction on different areas determined in advance. The surgeon then proceeds to clean the fat using centrifugation. This process separates intact fat cells that can be transplanted from those that cannot. The fat is finally reinjected into the breasts using a precise technique which will provide a homogeneous and harmonious result.

Edema and bruising resolve naturally after a few weeks. A few days of rest are expected following the operation. Likewise, physical activity can be resumed after 2 or 3 weeks. Finally, the patient benefits from annual radiological follow-up.

The desire and pleasure of being more beautiful than before makes many women want to embark on breast augmentation. This surgical technique must be performed by a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about breast surgery during consultation by patients who decide to embark on a mammal augmentation.

Which breast prosthesis to choose? Round or pear shape to rebuild your breasts?

The type of breast implant chosen depends above all on the wishes of the patient. The difference between one breast implant and another is minimal. With both prostheses, the result of breast augmentation is pleasant to look at. Answering all your questions during your consultation is our first objective. The prices will also be clearly explained to you during your consultation.

The difference is seen especially in the lateral view of the chest. If the patient is looking for a very natural result or if the patient decides to have surgery after childbirth, it is preferable to indicate pear-shaped prostheses. In the case of younger women who have not had children and are trying to enlarge their breasts, it is more common to choose round breast implants, since these patients already have a round breast and the expected result is a increase in volume.

Is it better to place breast implants behind the muscle or in front of the muscle?

The choice depends on several factors for breast reconstruction:

  • The patient's anatomy: If the patient is a very thin woman with very thin skin, it is preferable to place the breast implants under the muscle for better coverage and to achieve a more natural result.
  • If breast implants are used in a pear shape, the subfascial floor is preferable to keep the muscle uninjured. It is true that if breast implants are placed under the muscle, they stay in place longer, because it is always done on two fronts. The lower edge of the pectoral muscle is cut, retracts and covers the upper edge of the implant; the lower two thirds heal with the patient's own gland.

The natural desire for beauty and to please makes women whose breasts do not conform to their own aesthetic ideal uncomfortable. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery technique designed to improve the volume and shape of the female breast, which will help you feel better about yourself.

Normally, women who feel dissatisfied because their breasts have not reached the size they expected will undergo this procedure. Mammoplasty is also recommended for patients who want to equalize both breasts because they are larger than the other, or who want to restore the natural volume of their breasts reduced by pregnancy, weight loss or l 'age. This type of surgery provides specific solutions to each case.


The message from Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

   This procedure is a common cosmetic surgery among women in Switzerland today. Particularly, those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts. If this is your case, we invite you to find out more about how it works by contacting us today and we assure you that any pain is perfectly taken care of!

    This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito whether breast augmentation is a good solution for you. If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important that you understand its philosophy, technique and risks associated with this procedure. Breast surgery can improve your short-term well-being and beautify your life.

    During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your breast augmentation wish by perfectly managing any possible pain. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us by Whats app or on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Article written by the Doctor Smarrito cosmetic surgeon

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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