Dr SMARRITO I cosmetic surgeon FMH

I answer your questions about returning to sport after breast augmentation

A world of excellence in cosmetic surgery

    Discover our technical expertise and creativity dedicated to breast augmentation surgery in Switzerland.

   On this page you will find useful information on breast aesthetic operations and the return to after breast augmentation. We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of your breast augmentation operation.


Which breast prostheses should I choose if I am sporty?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery operations among women aged 20 to 40. Nowadays, it is a fairly simple operation, the postoperative treatment of which generally does not have any complications. Although recovery is rapid, the body needs a few months to fully recover, so certain precautions must be taken. Observing rest for the time indicated by Doctor Stéphane Smarrito is absolutely necessary. Even if you feel good, trying too hard can have negative consequences for your body.
Acting with caution does not mean that nothing can be done, but that the return to routine and sports training is gradual.
In patients who frequently practice sports, it is preferable to opt for small-volume prostheses and to avoid the placement of the submuscle, so that by training the pectoral region, the prostheses do not move or lose their round shape. In these cases, the subglandular prosthesis is better, which also has a faster recovery process. On the other hand, if the thickness of the skin is low it will be necessary to consider an installation behind the muscle in Dual-Plan, the doctor will be able to assess with you the impact on the sprot if you are professional.

 The month by month sequels…

The 1st month

In the 15 days following the procedure, rest must be absolute. In two or three days, the patient can begin to return to normal life, but it is necessary to refrain from making wide or strong movements with the arms, as they can cause bleeding of the pectoral muscle or rotation of the implant. During this period, it is necessary to completely refrain from doing sports, even if you can walk, even quickly; but it is always necessary to take into account the physical state of the patient.

Sport after breast augmentation? It's a good question !

From the following fifteen days, you will be able to exert a little more effort but without exaggerating. You can lift light weights and make wider movements with your arms. In addition to walking, you can start doing other exercises like cycling, legs and crunches...always exercises that don't involve lifting weights and don't involve contracting the pectoral muscle.

2th month
 After two months of surgery, the patient can already return to her normal rhythm of life, although she still needs to follow some attention regarding sport. From that moment on, she can run and cycle, always on asphalt; she can start doing exercises for her muscles but without working her arms.
3th month

Three months after the operationmammal augmentation , restrictions on the sport will depend on the type of facility used. In the case of round facilities, after three months there are no restrictions and you can return to the usual sport.

On the other hand, if it is Motiva prosthetics anatomical, you must consider that you can move or turn by contracting the pectoral muscle, therefore you must refrain from practicing sports that can cause these movements or that the implants can receive blows (swimming, basketball, climbing, paddling, etc. ). In the latter case, you will have to wait four or five months after the operation to be able to start again.

Return to sporting life after breast surgery

    Returning to sports life after breast augmentation, even if it is not performed regularly, must be done with the greatest care. Follow the surgeon's instructions exactly and never exercise the body.
You must also inform your sports coach of the operation you have carried out so that he can establish a training program adapted to your situation. When you return to sports and can already lift weights, it is always advisable to do so with a load 50-65% lower than you were used to before the operation. The objective is to prevent the effort from causing inflammation of the pectoral muscle or any other discomfort. Starting little by little, the muscle will adapt to its new shape and, in a few weeks, will be able to resume working with the load usually used, or even increase it.

The importance of the bra

The use of a bra sports is essential after an operation to enlarge the chest, and even more when practicing a sport. 
This garment keeps the breasts still and without movement and should always be used during exercise, even when the recovery time from the operation is over.

The message from Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

   This procedure is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries among women in Switzerland today. Particularly, those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts. If this is your case, we invite you to find out more about how it works by contacting us today!

    This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito whether breast augmentation is a good solution for you. If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important that you understand its philosophy, technique and risks associated with this procedure. Cosmetic surgery can improve your well-being in the short term and beautify your life.

    During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your breast augmentation wish. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us by Whats app or on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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