Reduction of the labia minora
NymphoplastyBy Dr SMARRITO Cosmetic surgeon FMH
Reduction of the labia minora
La nymphoplasty is a labia minora reduction repair surgery. It is an operation combining aesthetics and function.
Nymphoplasty was probably invented several hundred years ago. One of the pioneers of modern nymphoplasty is Professor Paniel. This surgery as well as the surgical techniques have been improved over time.
Dr. Smarrito is an expert on the subject. He participated in more than 20 world congresses on the subject of intimate surgery and nymphoplasty Et al published numerous articles on this subject.
Making an appointment and information for a nymphoplasty
10 years of research, 5 major international articles on the subject, more than 1000 cases operated on for hypertrophy of the labia minora by laser nymphoplasty by Dr. SMARRITO
Nymphoplasty techniques
There are several nymphoplasty techniques.
Indeed, the longitudinal technique removes the edge of the labia minora.
The triangle technique, known as Paniel, removes a triangle from the middle or lower part of the labia minora.
The lambda laser technique, known as Smarrito, asymmetrically removes a triangle at the lower part of the labia minora.
Furthermore, Doctor Smarrito has developed a technique for laser nymphoplasty. This technique makes it possible to reduce bleeding intraoperatively but also post-operative edema, thus bringing more comfort which has less stitch drop.
Video interview with Dr. SMARRITO
My vision of Nymphoplasty and its evolution over 10 years
Why operate on the labia minora?
The classic signs were published by Dr. Smarrito (PRS journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery) about 281. Patients describe a aesthetic discomfort and clothing embarrassment for tight clothing.
Likewise, the practice of certain sports maybe difficult, such as: cycling, horse riding or running. These sports are bothersome due to friction and sometimes even swelling.
More than 40% of patients also experience discomfort during intercourse without mentioning pain. This is an uncomfortable appearance due to the excess of the labia minora at the level of the orifice (phenomenon of dyspareunia).
Reduction of the labia minora
For which patient?
The average age of operations is 32 years. On the other hand, we note that there are 3 periods when patients wish to have a nymphoplasty.
The first period corresponds to the age of first reports. Indeed, due to the presence of dyspareunia (discomfort during intercourse), the first sexual relations can be distorted. Thus, young women consult for a sexual dysfunction. The second age peak is represented by women who have given birth. The labia minora become more pronounced under the influence of hormones. Finally, women after menopause are requesting nymphoplasties because here again, the hypertrophy of the labia minora is accentuated. In older women, a complete intimate surgery is generally offered.
Prize for the best surgical demonstration at the international congress in St Petersburg. Reward for combined nymphoplasty. The St Petersburg congress is a prestigious congress where 1200 surgeons from all over the world participate. Surgical demonstrations are carried out or broadcast, then prizes are awarded.
Who should I contact for intimate surgery?
Dr Smarrito advises speaking to a plastic surgeon specializing in the intimate for performing nymphoplasty.
On the other hand, for the entire vaginal aspect (that is to say inside) recourse to an experienced gynecologist is desirable.
We caution patients that nymphoplasty requires a certain amount of expertise.
Dr Smarrito has published a series of catch-up nymphoplasties with 3 other world experts in this regard. This is the first article published on the subject globally.
Videos on Dr. SMARRITO's technique in 3D
Surgical classification of malformations of the labia minora by Dr. SMARRITO
Naturally and without it being pathological, there are great variations in the shapes of the labia minora.
We only operate on abnormal shapes. That is to say only those which cause physical discomfort. As such, Dr Smarrito described the surgical classification of labial hypertrophy (Journal of plastic surgery JPRAS).
We must distinguish 3 forms, one high form (tab shape). Thus, this form is more of an aesthetic nuisance and very rarely a physical discomfort.
A medium form, triangular.
And finally a lower form, massive, generally combining all other signs of discomfort.
Useful link: Surgical classification of labial hypertrophies
Nymphoplasty, Labiaplasty or sex-lift?
Associated gestures to restore the anatomy of the vulva
Sometimes, during consultations we realize that the problem does not concern the labia minora.
Indeed, it may actually be a defect of the labia majora. THE labia majora are flattened and flabby.
It will therefore be a matter of plumping them up by injection of hyaluronic acid or fat. It can also be an anatomical variation such as, for example, a splitting of the labia minora or a excess clitoral hood.
These two disgraces can also be corrected by surgery independently or at the same surgical time.
The weather : Article on sex lifting
Your nymphoplasty in safety
Swiss fmh cosmetic surgeon
Operation at the RIVIERAclinic
MORE THAN 1000 cases operated on
Nymphoplasty / Laser Nymphoplasty / Sex Lifting
Admission fees
- Although a simple resection with a few stitches is sometimes covered by insurance, it no longer corresponds to the current standard of nymploplasty work.
- The sophisticated work of laser nymphoplasty, combined labioplasty ou sex lift is not covered by insurance and is considered an aesthetic gesture.
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