Nanofat, regenerative medicine: a tissue revolution thanks to cosmetic surgery
Nanofat, liquefied fat: a source of stromal vascular fraction…
Nanofat is a fat transfer technology that allows tissue induction in the injection area. Nanofat initially described by a Belgian cosmetic surgeon is widely used in cosmetic surgery. We perform this technique either in isolation or integrated into complete facial aesthetic care programs. Dr. Smarrito performs this technique exclusively at the La Prairie clinic in Clarens.
The first interest of nanofat lies in the fact that it involves using fat from one's own body in this sense, this technique is autologous, without the use of foreign bodies. The fat is generally taken from around the navel so as not to leave visible scars. This is not a liposuction procedure but rather a fat removal and reinjection technique.
I strongly advise you to contact a cosmetic surgeon, checking your diplomas and skills before carrying out this procedure.
Consequently, the sampling is painless, it is carried out with specific equipment using a sampling cannula with a millimeter orifice. Once collected, the fat is washed, then liquefied using a mechanical procedure. Thus, in the context of a nanofat, it is not the final fat volume that is sought but the power of regeneration of the contents of the liquefied fat. Indeed, we know that inside fat cells are stored the stem cells and growth factors.
Several scientific studies have demonstrated that the reinjection of liquefied fat makes it possible to improve the local trophicity of the tissue where the reinjection is carried out, combining stimulation of collagen, reinforcement of tissue thickness and neovascularization.
A specialized regenerative surgery consultation…
Furthermore, the resorption of liquefied fat by the body is itself of interest in the appearance of a tissue reaction.
The indications and this procedure are highly codified and governed by legislation in accordance with Swissmedic.
From a scientific point of view, in view of the bibliography, nanofat is of general interest at the level of skin texture of the face from a purely aesthetic improvement point of view, but also in the context of hollow circles. Indeed, usually the hollow ring is managed by the injection of a very fine hyaluronic acid, by needle or cannula, without hydrophilic components, which makes it possible to fill the hollow ring. Nanofat also provides an additional tissue component, acting thanks to the stem cells contained in the final product.
Furthermore, several studies and publications open up a perspective of interest in the management of pigmented dark circles. THE dark pigmented circle characteristic of the Mediterranean basin, is difficult to treat outside of cosmetics. Studies show an improvement in this pigmentation through an improvement in skin trophicity. Dr Smarrito is at your disposal for any further information on nanofat injections and techniques.
We can consider that medicine is probably at a fundamental turning point, in fact regenerative medicine could revolutionize the medical approach through tissue renewal rather than ablation or transplantation.
We will be able to advise you perfectly for a safe collection and reinjection done by a cosmetic surgeon about modern operating theaters from Clinique La Prairie in Switzerland.
Dr SMARRITO’s team is at your disposal on 021 922 24 62, on quote is established the same day during the consultation.
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The expert's opinion
The technique used by Dr. SMARRITO of Nanofat was initially published in Belgium.
Fat Grafting for Facial Rejuvenation with Nanofat Grafts. Tonnard P, Verpaele A, Carvas M.Clin Plast Surg. 2020 Jan;47(1):53-62. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2019.08.006. Epub 2019 Oct 28. Review.
In many countries this technique is exclusively performed by cosmetic surgeons in the operating room.
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