Regeneration of neurons and the brain by stem cells

  IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This is a popular science article on “neurons and stem cells”. At the clinical level, only the storage of stem cells is authorized in Switzerland, outside of a hospital therapeutic trial or current treatments by stem cell donation. 

Let's talk research: Regeneration of neurons by stem cells.

Stem cells and the brain

     Stem cells currently benefit fromsignificant momentum from the scientific community. Thus, research centers around the world study the biology of stem cells and their potential benefit in medical therapy.

 Currently, in Switzerland, only aesthetic indications are authorized outside of hospital research protocols. We are talking here about the use of stem cells derived from fat and not stem cell donations. Stem cells (particularly hematopoietic) are already used clinically to treat cancerous conditions. 

   Much research is particularly focused on degenerative neuron diseases. The Pasteur Institute, for example, has a research group on the action of stem cells in brain regeneration. Stem cell research is complex. This surge in research into regenerative medicine capabilities opens a new field of application to modern medicine.

 We share with you here an explanatory video on the regeneration of stem cells in the brain. This is a research topic for the Pasteur Institute in France.

Dr SMARRITO stem cells
Stem cell 

Highly regulated research

    This article aims to promote the popularization of research on The stem cells. As stated previously, the aesthetic applications of stem cells do exist, however. Therapeutic applications are not currently authorized in clinics and medical practices.

Indeed, the scientific community is attentive to the fact that the main characteristic of stem cells is their possibility of differentiation and proliferation. In the future, these cellular characteristics suggest the possibility of regenerating tissues without transplantation.

But if this proliferation is not controlled in vivo this could lead to tumor proliferation. 

   The storage of stem cells from fat is possible in Switzerland. Currently the indications are aesthetic, but with storage in place for 30 years, new perspectives are envisaged in the near future, thanks to advances in research.

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

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Regenerative Medicine

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