Discover our technical expertise and creativity dedicated to the diet after liposuction in Switzerland.

   On this page you will find useful information on liposuction and diets following the operation.  We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of liposuction and the post-operative diet.

Should you diet before or after liposuction?

Stop misconceptions

In our experience, diet is not necessary before liposuction.

On the other hand, a diagnosis, linked to the experience of the practitioner to whom you entrust your project is important. Thus, it must be understood that liposuction and diet do not have the same goals and objectives.

Liposuction will remove superficial or trapped fat above the muscles (outside the stomach for example). This fat is present depending on genetic predisposition, diet, lifestyle, hormonal status, age and the desire to perform physical activity. In fact, the predominant factor is genetics and accumulation during youth.

So we often hear patients criticized by those around them for losing their weight and refine their silhouette. It's 2 different things, don't make this speech mistake for your partner or yourself!

On the other hand, weight and intra-abdominal fat can be regulated by diet and physical activity. This is actually a good thing because it is possible! Unfortunately at the cost of great effort. A diet can thus improve the storage of visceral fat, with strong health benefits. The diet, on the other hand, will not reduce areas such as saddlebags or the abdominal girdle. Everyone knows that an effective diet will help you lose weight, but also hollow out your cheeks and reduce the size of your breasts. This is not necessarily the objective of the patients who consult us. In fact, the diet does not improve the figure but rather health.

If we want improve the figure, it is necessary to eliminate the fat trapped and accumulated outside the belly over the years. Only the liposuction or cryoliposuction (exclusivity) allow this result. Thus, liposuction is indeed a cosmetic surgery improving the silhouette.

What diet after liposuction? 

Let’s change our habits and instead talk “life style”

Dieting is not necessary before liposuction, however liposuction significantly improving the figure (if the fat is outside the belly) motivates patients to diet.

 I don’t like the concept or the word diet. Let’s talk about changing habits and lifestyle together.

After a liposuction procedure, I recommend two types of diet to improve the result and maintain it. Low GI (low glycemic index) or low carb for people who rarely exercise and the ketogenic diet for experienced athletes. The secret of these diets is to free patients from the sugar overload of modern diets and ultra-processed products.

The ketogenic diet is violent; it modifies the metabolism, but the sports performance based on lipid metabolism is impressive. The only downside is that the protein and fat intake is the basis of this diet, the consequences of which on atheroma remain unclear.

Le Low GI diet is very logical, human beings were not designed for a sedentary, stress-free life. Originally, meals were frugal, a lot of energy had to be expended to survive, and resources were not abundant. Shopping carts have revolutionized our lives, or rather our consumption, perhaps we should do without them and return to the local Saturday market. Of course, other considerations come into play such as the cost of eating well, eating better, the time invested in shopping and eating.

The experience within the clinic is simple to perform liposuction, motivates to diet. Coupled with a Low GI diet, or rather regulation of dietary sugar, the aesthetic result is dazzling. We have hundreds of examples in 20 years of practice.

 The only case where diet is necessary before liposuction is the case of forced bellies to morbid obesity. The fat is in the belly, it is inaccessible to liposuction. It's easy to test: Pinch your skin, if you have a bulge between your thumb and index finger: call us for liposuction. If you cannot pinch the skin or if the fold is less than 2 cm, contact a nutritionist.

Book on the IGbas diet adapted after liposuction
Change behavior
after his liposuction by reducing the impact of hidden sugar.
Athlete's diet after cryoliposuction
Athletes do cryoliposuction
coupled with a suitable diet
with an impressive result.

Diet failure after liposuction

Are restrictive diets and fasting beneficial after liposuction?

In my opinion, nothing is bad, nothing is good. Diets that impose too much constraint will be abandoned. Diets that are weird are weird. Fasting makes sense in terms of anti-aging and metabolism, but it causes metabolic changes and enzymatic rebounds, the results of which on weight are not certain.

Frugal eating increases life expectancy according to the latest studies. Low-calorie diets like Weight Watcher work well because they teach you to eat less. These programs have also integrated eating better, lifestyle, super foods and self-esteem…we’re coming back to that. It must be admitted, it is also about motivation and it is not easy.


My tips for those who can't do it

After liposuction apply the  10 rules from Dr. SMARRITO:


  • No alcohol or aperitif, outside of weekends (in moderation)
  • No dessert or pastries, apart from a meal with family or friends on the weekend
  • No tobacco – No bread – No soda
  • Do not serve the same dish twice – Your plate must contain several colors
  • Educate yourself, read, think about how to eat better (IgBAS, Ketogenic, Cretan diet, Weight Watcher diet, locavore, flexitarian, etc.)
  • Avoid supermarkets, rediscover local markets and cuisine
  • Check the labels on your food and convert them into squares of sugar (5-6g of sugar = 1 square) and control intake
  • Be kind, smile, enjoy the sun for vitamin D, feel good
  • Improve your sleep and reduce your stress (very linked to cortisol levels, itself linked to weight gain)
  • Buy a connected watch and increase your physical activity

Choice of the Internet

   This procedure is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries among women in Switzerland today. In particular, those who want to improve their figure. If this is your case, we invite you to find out more about how it works by contacting us today!

    This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito whether liposuction is a good solution for you. If you are considering a diet, it is important that you understand its philosophy, the technique and the risks associated with this procedure. Cosmetic surgery can improve your well-being in the short term and beautify your life.

    During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your desired diet or liposuction. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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