Get rid of brown solar or old age spots using the laser.

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Remove brown spots from the face with the PICOSURE laser.

New generation of laser: scabless, painless.

       In recent years, the picosecond laser has become one of the most used lasers in Asia. Indeed, the Asian population attaches importance to having fairly clear skin free of spots. In this sense, the technological development of tattoo removal lasers has revolutionized the indication and now makes it possible to reduce the presence of skin spots on the face in a few sessions.

       Dr. Smarrito has given conferences in China and Korea and he shares his experience with this laser technology. With a set of handpieces corresponding to the various wavelengths necessary to treat pigment spots on the face, 555nm, 785nm, 1064nm, second pico lasers and in particular those of the latest generation make it possible to obtain good results at level of facial spots.

        They are widely used in Asia because they have significant performance allowing a satisfactory result to be obtained but also with minimal risk on Asian skin which is subject to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. In this context, these new lasers have demonstrated their effectiveness but also their low risk of side effects. 

The pico second laser, the surgeon's best ally to reduce facial spots. 


This method is based on a photo mechanical effect rather than photo thermal so the spot is treated but this reduces the collateral damage on the tissue and the dermis, we are talking about altered pigmentation all this associated with a lack of social eviction. In the context of use in Lausanne, we are particularly satisfied with our experience with the cynosure laser since it allows, thanks to the different handpieces, to work different sizes of spots and associated with the different wavelengths to target the photomechanical wires on the different spots. From the first sessions, we were able to see a very clear improvement in time and spots. In our center we have a scientific approach to the subject since the patient first benefits from a computer skin analysis making it possible to diagnose the type of spots and their origins (aging, sun spots) and thus to implement the strategy of optimal laser treatment. 

The session for the removal of spots is not painful. She's pretty fast. As this is a tattoo removal phenomenon, the result may take a few days to a few weeks to be visible. We initially favor 550 nano second handpieces which, from a theoretical point of view, fit perfectly with the photo-mechanical effect of pigment disruption but associated with a weak thermal effect, a real cavitation will be created and will blur the epidermal but also dermal pigmentation. 
It should be noted that the laser can also have an effect on the remodeling of the collagen channel and thus act on fine lines and enlarged ports. A real skin revitalization can be envisaged at the same time thanks to our associated tailor-made skin care protocols thus combining the creation of cytokine collagen favorable to trophicity and skin beauty. It should be noted that the melasma can be faded by the laser session. 

But in the absence of preventive measures against the sun, this pathology recurs within a few weeks. Thus it is possible to fade the spots of melasma thanks to the pico laser but in practice the spots of melasma will recur if sun protection measures are not strictly implemented by patients, particularly in Switzerland given the Significant helioderma associated with life at altitude. Remaining at your complete disposal for information, prices are established in consultation according to the surface to be treated and the difficulty and intensity of the stains. One session can already improve the appearance. We often advise patients to accumulate sessions to have a quickly demonstrative effect. 


laser photorejuvenation



Dr. Smarrito can remove your sun or age spots.
See the effectiveness of this easy and effective procedure.
Exclusive technical expertise linked to the Picosure laser.
The Picosure laser is patented for this indication.
The laser in our center is scientifically the most efficient picosecond laser.

“extraordinary result in 4 sessions on my spots but also fine lines and the quality of my skin”


remove brown spots with picosecond laser



We can remove stains on the face, hands, arms and décolleté.
Absence of crust or inflammatory reaction.

The Picosure laser is patented for this indication.
Dedicated and patented wavelength from the Cynosure brand.

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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