Dr SMARRITO I cosmetic surgeon FMH

I answer your questions about the first consultation for breast augmentation

A world of excellence in cosmetic surgery

    Discover our technical expertise and creativity dedicated to breast augmentation surgery in Switzerland.

   On this page you will find useful information about the first breast augmentation consultation.. We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of your breast augmentation.

How does the first consultation for breast augmentation take place?

The first consultation is of fundamental importance for the successful completion of the breast augmentation operation. It is necessary that the dialogue between the patient and the surgeon be as transparent and honest as possible. The patient's wishes, expectations and motivations for the operation will be clearly examined. Very often, the desire to increase breast volume is actually linked to multiple aspects, ranging from feeling awkward in interpersonal relationships to the need to appear more sensual and attractive.

During the first visit, a precise analysis of the patient's anatomical condition, her breast size, the quality of the mammary gland and the elasticity of the tissues will be carried out, and the different options will be evaluated with her . In this phase comes all the experience of the surgeon, who will have to establish, on the basis of objective variables (weight, height, width of the pelvis and shoulders), which surgical access is preferable, if it is necessary to place the prosthesis under the gland or under the muscle, what technique to use, and above all what shape and size of prosthesis to choose to obtain a harmonious, proportionate and sensual result.

Choose the breast prostheses best suited to your wishes

Implants whose volume is calculated in cubic centimeters have a textured silicone shell and are filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel. Texturing, i.e. the roughness of the envelope, reduces the risk of capsular contracture while the high-cohesion gel ensures the stability of the shape of the implant. Depending on the anatomical conformation of the patient and her needs, the surgeon can offer different forms of prostheses, characterized by a different height, projection width and consistency of the gel. In general, we distinguish between teardrop-shaped implants, also called anatomical, and hemispherical or round implants.
However, it is important to rely on the advice and experience of the surgeon, who will be able to evaluate the type of prosthesis best suited to the patient's body characteristics.

Open discussion with Stéphane Dr Smarrito, specialist in breast augmentation

The surgery ofmammal augmentation effectively responds to the desire to increase breast volume. Produced with a high degree of customization and precision, it allows you to obtain results truly adapted to your expectations.

In this sense it is vital that you take the time to express your expectations to me based on what you have read, seen on the Internet or according to the ideas that you have constructed on your own. It is vital for me to communicate with you to fully understand your concerns for your breast augmentation. So I can offer you the best solution.

Developments in materials and manufacturing techniques have improved the shape, consistency, safety and durability of breast implants.

I will talk to you in detail about prostheses and the best solutions that I think are best suited to your wishes. Breast prostheses have evolved greatly over time and today medical technology related to breast prostheses still evolving!

For a woman, a hypotrophic (too small) or hollow breast represents a defect which is not only aesthetic, but which “hurts” her femininity. The mission of breast augmentation is therefore to correct the imperfection while taking into account the psychological weight of the change.

The number of women who are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their neckline continues to increase. More than 60% of them are between 18 and 35 years old, and this is the age group most affected by breast cosmetic surgery.
The reasons why young and old people turn to the surgeon are diverse.

The reason for your current chest dissatisfaction must be clearly expressed. I would create for you a space for dialogue that will fully allow

The youngest patients simply ask for an enlargement of their breasts considered too small. Others, following moderate sagging or after breastfeeding, seek to restore the volume of their breasts. Other candidates simply wish to have more sensual and more abundant breasts.

I adapt to you, who you are and your expectations. For this it is important in our first consultation that you tell me a lot about yourself so that I can identify the deep wish for your breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is today considered proven and safe. Case studies from around the world and decades of observation of the effects have amply validated the benefits of the operation for patients with the appropriate psychophysical characteristics.

During the first consultation I will fully discuss all aspects related to security with you. Do not hesitate to prepare your questions on this point, I know that my patients are very careful about safety.

From an aesthetic point of view, the breasts are full and reshaped in a natural way and proportional to the physical structure of each patient. It is one of the most satisfying operations because it gratifies femininity and naturally enhances the sensuality of every woman.

I could share with you a great experience of breast augmentation while maintaining the objective of a satisfactory final result.

The message from Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

   This procedure is a common cosmetic surgery among women in Switzerland today. Particularly, those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts. If this is your case, we invite you to find out more about how it works by contacting us today!

    This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito whether breast augmentation is a good solution for you. If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important that you understand its philosophy, technique and risks associated with this procedure. Breast surgery can improve your short-term well-being and beautify your life.

    During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your desire for breast augmentation to correct breast asymmetry. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us by Whats app or on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

Article written by the Doctor Smarrito cosmetic surgeon

Plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic Lasers

Regenerative Medicine

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