Dr SMARRITO I cosmetic surgeon FMH

I answer your questions about double chin liposuction

A world of excellence in cosmetic surgery

    Discover our great technical expertise and creativity dedicated to silhouette surgery in Switzerland. We will talk in more detail on this page about double chin liposuction which is in high demand among our patients.

   You will also find on this page useful information on liposuction in general with additional information on questions related to a double chin. We then invite you to discuss your project during a medical consultation at Quai Perdonnet 3 – 1800 VEVEY or at Avenue Mon-Repos 14 – 1005 LAUSANNE.

   In consultation with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito, time will be taken to answer all your questions, with professionalism and kindness! We can then consider together the implementation of your double chin liposuction according to your objectives and your project which will become our project!

Read https://drsmarrito.ch/dr-smarrito-ma-philosophie/ to find out even more!

liposuction and face lift

Why Double Chin Liposuction?

La liposuction Chin lift is very effective in reducing fat under the chin and giving patients the graceful look they are looking for. Indeed, the face remains what is seen first in social interactions. However, there is no perfect surgery without possible side effects. As with everything, there are pros and cons. We will discuss them below in the context of chin liposuction. Chin liposuction is one of the preferred procedures because of the surprisingly natural and stunning results it can produce. However, if you are considering this procedure for yourself, it is important to know all the aspects before proceeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of chin liposuction

Below are the pros and cons of chin liposuction. If you have any questions about this procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, do not hesitate to make an appointment with Doctor Stéphane Smarrito.

The chin is one of the most visible features on a face! Everyone has a feature of their face or body that they would like to improve, but when the area you want to improve is on your face and visible to everyone, the improvement can make an even bigger difference . Doctor Stéphane Smarrito

Double Chin Liposuction Procedure

Chin liposuction is a small surgical procedure, especially when compared to more invasive plastic surgeries such as belly liposuction or even full body liposuction. It is minimally invasive as it requires only a few small incisions and a relatively short recovery period.

Chin liposuction can help address sagging skin as we age.
When there is excess fat on the body, the skin stretches to accommodate this fat. Therefore, if you were to leave excess fat on your chin, as you age, the skin would be stretched beyond its normal limit, eventually causing sagging and sagging of the skin. If you can help the skin shrink by removing excess fat, you can ideally reduce sagging skin as you age. Chin liposuction is permanent. Once fat is removed from the chin and neck using liposuction, the results are permanent. The fat will not come back unless you experience a significant weight increase.

Disadvantages of double chin liposuction

  • Scars are inevitable.
Any surgical procedure requiring incisions creates scars. The good news is that the scars resulting from chin liposuction are extremely small (about 3 to 4 mm long). (approximately 3 to 4 mm long). They are also well hidden under the chin and behind the ears.
  • Chin liposuction cannot remedy sagging skin.
In the long term, chin liposuction can reduce the laxity of your skin by reducing the amount of skin that must stretch to accommodate fat. But in the short term (if you already have loose neck skin), chin liposuction will not be able to help you.
  • You will need to allow some downtime after the procedure.
Again, all surgical procedures (even minimally invasive ones) require some downtime. This means you will need to miss work or school for a period of time, usually one to two weeks at most.

Chin liposuction, step by step

Typically, the patient only needs local anesthesia for this procedure. This is an outpatient procedure. This means that you can go home once the procedure is completed.
Step 1 – Incisions
After anesthesia, incisions are made. The incisions are only a few millimeters in size and are located in discreet areas along your chin and neckline.
Step 2 – Cannula Liposuction
The liposuction part of the procedure involves removing fat from the body. Your surgeon will use a tool called a cannula, which is actually a thin metal tube. The cannula is inserted into the incisions and agitates the fat under the chin. It will then vacuum up the excess fat.
Step 3 – Closing the incisions
Finally, your plastic surgeon will carefully close your incisions to allow proper healing. They will put a bandage on your head and take you to a recovery room to monitor you before letting you go home.

FAQ: Double chin surgery and double chin liposuction

  • Can liposuction cure a double chin?
  • Yes. A double chin is usually caused by unwanted fat accumulation under the chin and along the neck. Liposuction involves manually removing fat. This procedure can therefore improve the appearance of a double chin.
  • How long does it take to heal from double chin liposuction?
  • Healing from double chin liposuction generally takes one to two weeks. You will need to be off work for about a week and it will take a little longer for you to return to your usual activities, including exercise. It may take several months for the edema to resolve.
  • Is chin liposuction painful?
  • During the first few days following the procedure, you may feel some pain and discomfort. But this pain will disappear quickly and you will only have swelling as the main symptom for several weeks.
  • What is the best treatment for excess fat in a double chin?
  • The quickest and most effective treatment for excess double chin fat is chin liposuction.
  • Can liposuction be used to remove pockets of fat?
  • Thigh liposuction is a procedure designed to remove pockets of fat in order to reshape specific areas of the body. It is generally applied to fatty areas such as the thighs, abdomen, hips and arms, among others. The procedure involves making a small incision near the area to be treated, removing unwanted fat cells and closing the incision.
  • Can removed fat reappear?
  • With thigh liposuction, fat is permanently removed. However, the patient must maintain their weight after the procedure, as significant weight gain will lead to regrowth of fat cells in all areas of the body, including the treated areas.
  • Are the results of thigh liposuction visible the day after the procedure?
  • Before proceeding with liposuction, you should know that the final results will only be visible after at least six months. Indeed, the first days, the area is affected by the swelling caused by the operation and the tissues need more time to reposition themselves.
  • Will the scars be visible?
  • This procedure does not leave scars that mark the patient's body; These are only small, barely noticeable marks, as the incisions are approximately 3 mm and are made in inconspicuous places.
  • What anesthesia is needed for this type of procedure?
  • Thigh liposuction is normally performed under local anesthesia, without general anesthesia, but the surgeon will decide on the type of anesthesia depending on the areas to be treated.
  • Can liposuction treat excess weight?
  • Before having thigh liposuction, you should talk to your surgeon and tell him what you expect from this procedure. You should know that liposuction is an intervention indicated to eliminate localized fatty deposits. It is not intended to treat overweight or obesity. In these cases, you will need to consult a nutrition specialist.
  • Can liposuction remove cellulite from the body? 
  • Liposuction does not eliminate cellulite, but it can improve the appearance of the treated area. Many factors must be taken into account, such as the degree of flaccidity, muscle tone, skin retraction capacity, etc. All of these factors will determine the outcome.
  • What are the surgical consequences of liposuction? 
  • It is not particularly painful, with many patients feeling stiff. It will be necessary to avoid significant exertion during the first two weeks and to avoid exposure to the sun for the duration of the inflammation. In addition, in a thigh liposuction clinic, you will be advised to follow specific drainage massages, carried out by professionals, in order to obtain better recovery.

    The message from Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

       This procedure is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries among women in Switzerland today. In particular, those who are not fully satisfied with their figure. If this is you, we invite you to learn more about liposuction by contacting us today!

        This is an important decision, you should discuss with Doctor Smarrito whether silhouette surgery is a good solution for you. If you are considering liposuction, it is important that you understand its philosophy, technique and risks associated with this procedure. Cosmetic surgery can improve your well-being in the short term and beautify your life.

        During the initial examination after very precise analysis of your silhouette and your morphology, I will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your liposuction wish. Your project will become our common aesthetic goal. So, during this initial examination, we can together define the treatment plan, expected duration and cost. Come by the office for a visit, or call us by Whats app or on 021 922 24 62 to arrange a consultation! »

    Doctor Stéphane SMARRITO

    Cosmetic surgeon FMH SWITZERLAND

    Article written by the Doctor Stéphane Smarrito Liposuction specialist

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